A Church That Loves

A Church That Loves

Believe it or not, all churches are not the same. If your idea has been that “a church is a church is a church” then you might want to take a closer look. Some churches are different in their organizational arrangement. Some churches are different in their goals and purposes for existence. Most importantly some churches are different in their doctrines and traditions which they practice.

Perhaps you are looking for a church that is striving to be like the one you read about in the New Testament – nothing more nor less than just a Church. That is what we are trying to be – simply a group of Christians banded together who follow no creed but the Bible and who sincerely strive to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent. As Peter said in I Peter 4 “If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God”.

We believe this is possible even In The 20th Century. The seed always reproduces after its own kind, the church can exist today just like the one of the first century. Different attitudes toward Bible authority are often the basic cause of religious division. “Let us speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent” is to some only a slogan and not a commitment. When people cease demanding Bible authority for all that they do religiously, they will soon depart from the faith and will adopt ways that please themselves.
