2018 RV Safari – 5 Mile Pass – Food Preparation – Flying Sheep
Season 16 Episode 20
This week on AYL we visit Central Idaho on this years RV Safari, 4×4 5 Mile Pass, find out how to get meals ready for an RV trip, and relocate some Big Horn Sheep.
1:00 – Chad and Ria join Ray Citte RV for this years RV Safari. For the first segment of the trip we show you haw to start the RV Life and where to visit.
4:53 – Zack heads out with the Lone Peak 4×4 Club on trails that are close to home. They visit the 5 Mile Pass Recreation Area and show us how to enjoy the area this time of year.
10:54 – We continue our RV Safari and cover how to prepare food for a long trip and for a large group of people.
19:03 – Reece is at Antelope Island with the DWR. The Big Horn Sheep are taking flying lessons. They are relocating sheep to places that are in need and keeping the population down on the island.
24:58 – At Your Leisure is your source for all the cool things to do in the great outdoors. Chad and Ria cover the Boat & RV show and this weeks sticker winner.
26:47 – Take a sneak peek at next weeks show.
If you would like to watch this video again, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6UkTezi49E
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