Izzy: Oh Hi SI, I didn’t see you there! My name is Izzy de Souza
Helen: and I’m Helen Campbell. Take a walk with us?
Izzy: Calling all JCL-ers!
Helen: We’re back in business,
Izzy: and we’re excited to announce our plans for this year. If you’re a returning member, please join us for a quick meeting this Thursday, September 2nd, at 3:15 to catch up and hear our latest updates. See you in Room 309!
(NOTE TO SITV EDITORS: please put the date, time, and room # on the screen. thank you!)
Helen: Good Morning Freshman, your Personal Academic Counselors look forward to seeing you during X-Period. Group 1, we will see you today! Group 2 we will see you on September 14th. Please check Powerschool Website,
Izzy: NOT the Powerschool App,
Helen: for your Personal Counseling Group Number, located next to your name on the Powerschool Website labeled PCG:1 or PCG:2. Please check your email for further instructions sent by your Personal Academic Counselor. See you soon!!
(Place this on the screen:
Rm 202 – Ms. St Clair/Ms. Law.
Rm 205 – Ms. Angeles.
Rm 206 – Mr. Delaney
Rm 208 – Ms. Merrell.
Rm 209 – Mr. Alvarado.
Rm 210 – Ms. Havel.
Rm 212 – Ms. Totah-McCarty)
Izzy: Tomorrow, September 1st, the Psychology Club will be hosting its first meeting in classroom 314 from 2-2:45pm. Come by to go over introductions, get to know one another, and talk about what the Psych Club hopes to accomplish this year. RSVP with the QR code on the screen, and don’t forget to follow them on Instagram, @sipsychologyclub. The Psychology Club will be psyched to see you tomorrow!
Helen: The Magis Center for Equity and Inclusion is inviting students in the Magis HS Program for their inaugural Magis Meet and Greet! This event will be held on Wednesday Sept 8 during both lower and upper lunch! Bring your lunch! Bring a friend in the Magis HS Program!
*facing towards markaela who will be on her phone*
Izzy: Are you interested in performing?
Helen: Do you enjoy arguing?
Izzy: Do you want to make some great friends?
*begin walking towards camera*
Helen: If you said yes to any of these questions, then there’s probably something for you at Speech and Debate. The SI speech and debate team is having their first informational meeting on Thursday, September 2nd right after school in room 210. Learn about what they do and how you can get involved.
Izzy: Can’t make it? No problem, meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday right after school in 210. Stop by when you can!
Helen: Now a word from Campus Ministry on this year’s first Wednesday Morning Liturgy!
Izzy: That’s all for today, wildcats!
Helen: Have a great Tuesday!