9/29/21 Where Wealth Really Comes From

9/29/21 Where Wealth Really Comes From

In this week’s group call we go deeper exploring wealth consciousness.

I share another excerpt from Happy Pocket Full of Money— page 92

Wealth is abundance expressed. Abundance means plenty of everything. Money is only a small aspect of wealth. Many people “fail” to get wealthy because they plan their goals in terms of money only… Another mistake is to have huge financial goals and very few other goals. Some people may set goals like “make a billion dollars,” but they have few other goals. Why are both of these errors? Try to understand this clearly: life is images of the mind expressed. It is that simple. Life is also precise. You automatically get exactly the amount of money needed to realize the most precise and certain images of your mind.”

I share with the group how our conversation last week about wealth consciousness already being within us had me realize how Joseph Smith, the founding profit of the Mormon church have a singular insight turn into a billion dollar organization 100 years later. He didn’t need to raise even a thousand dollars to grow his idea. It grew by him sharing his idea with another person who bought into it.

Our discussion takes a rich deep dive into realizing that the conversations we get into with potential clients about “not being able to afford” working with us, is not orienting us to look to where the real value and wealth exists.

The best way to help others realize their abundance of wealth consciousness is to first realize it for yourself.

Towards the end of the call I take the group into a short meditation to help you connect with the source of wealth consciousness within you— the space inside where we create from the abundant NOW.