Merry Christmas from Gather Ministries (2021)

Merry Christmas from Gather Ministries (2021)

Do you have a favorite Christmas song or carol? The song you belt out in the car when it comes on the radio … the carol that always lifts your heart in church during Advent … the tune that never fails to bring you home the first time you hear it each new Christmas season. Maybe it’s the one you remember gathering to sing as a family when you were young.

We (Justin and Jennifer Camp) love Christmas songs, not just for the joy and fond memories, but for the spiritual truth that they teach us too. Think about “Away in a Manger,” describing the simplicity of the stable and the majesty of the angels greeting Jesus. Or “Oh Holy Night,” which pictures the world falling to its knees to welcome the King of Kings.

We hope you’ll take a moment to enjoy this video conversation with us. We’ll share a bit about our favorite Christmas songs and why they mean so much to our family.

Merry Christmas!

Justin & Jennifer Camp
Co-Executive Directors, Gather Ministries